“DarkSide Of The Rainbow” hand painted vintage skateboard by Scott Sjobakken

Winning Bid: $200.00

“DarkSide Of The Rainbow” hand painted vintage skateboard by Scott Sjobakken

Scott Sjobakken was born in Dubuque, Iowa in 1975. He earned his BFA from Iowa State University in 1998 with a major in Drawing, Painting, and Printmaking. At ISU he spent a semester studying in Rome. Between 1999 and 2013 Scott lived and worked in NYC, he currently lives and works in Des Moines, Iowa. He has been shown in galleries around the U.S. and in the Czech Republic.

Item condition: New


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Highest bidder was: rcasadosphoto

Bidder Name Bidding Time Bid
rcasadosphoto 11/17/2019 2:14 pm $200.00
Auction started 11/17/2019 2:15 pm

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